A leading U.S. marketing agency

AI lead generation and sales report creation tool.

100 +

use cases mapped & linked

>10 x

increase in marketing team productivity

Sudolabs expertise

Product discovery

MQL improvement

Report wireframes design

Prototype development

Our US-based client operates multiple marketing agencies and sought to enhance their selling infrastructure through an online lead generation tool. This tool was expected to match customer challenges in marketing segments with the most appropriate AI solutions.


The client faced the challenge of a labor-intensive and time-consuming process for generating Marketing Qualified Leads (MQL) and capturing prospects' interest in AI solutions. Manually preparing custom sales materials based on inbound requests was inefficient, prompting the need for a fully automated AI solution to streamline and enhance lead generation and engagement.

Our Approach

The project kicked off with an end-to-end discovery phase featuring prototype development, user interviews, and technical feasibility assessments.

The client presented initial ideas like a visual market map and a lead generation tool. After reviewing these against the target problems and audience, we ran several workshops to align with their business context. Additionally, we created a flexible knowledge base of marketing use cases, business problems, and tool details.

Focusing on MQL improvement, we tested a user flow starting with a short survey, allowing us to generate personalized, AI-driven reports from 100+ unique use cases. Based on that, we built an AI-powered application that creates dynamic reports, meeting each user's needs and enhancing accuracy, relevance, and engagement.


The result was an innovative online lead-generation tool that recommends the most suitable AI services and tools for clients' marketing needs. This tool can generate personalized reports for 100+ different use cases and not only improves lead generation but also ensures a high engagement level by providing customized solutions.