24. 4. 2019
6 min read
Change-log generator - GitHub + CircleCI
A changelog is a file which contains a curated, chronologically ordered list of notable changes for each version of a project.
Pavol Madar
A changelog is a file which contains a curated, chronologically ordered list of notable changes for each version of a project. Keep a Changelog
It’s the best way to document changes in an application. If you have a bigger application and, let's say you want to fix bugs and deliver new features on a weekly basis, it becomes really hard to follow all the changes without a well structured documentation and versioning of changes. Change-log has benefits for all the members of the team. Testers see what to test in the new version, developers can easily get a sense of what has been fixed or changed and see the current version of the app and product manager can track the progress and see the pace of the development.
Why do we need another change-log generator?
If you search for change-log generators you can find a few, but there is one drawback. Every change-log library I’ve been able to find generates the change-log according to the commits and not closed issues. As a result of this, it contains no issue descriptions. But in our case, we need to have a list of issues with bug/feature description that everybody can easily understand in our change-log.
Dev workflow:
Tester creates a bug report
Bug report is checked and Github issues with additional technical description of the problem are created
The bug is eventually fixed and PR linked to the issue is opened
We then wait for the reviews and merge the PR - the issue is automatically closed
After some time, we are going to deploy new version of the codebase. We are using git-flow
for managing the branches.
Deployment workflow:
Create a new release branch from the development branch (e.g.
) and push it to originOur CI service (CircleCI) runs the tests and deployment which also contains change-log generator scripts
All the issues that have been closed until the last deployment are published under the new release version in our change-log
At the same time, they are marked as deployed by adding a comment that contains the current version number
The script sends a slack notification about the new deploy
Change-log generator implementation
Let’s walk through the implementation now. We need to add these scripts in the package.json
"scripts": { ..., "get-closed-issues": "node ./scripts/get-closed-issues.js", "create-changelog": "node ./scripts/create-changelog.js", "send-changelog-notification": "node ./scripts/send-changelog-notification.js"}
We will call each one of these in the next sections from our CI service. First we need to call the get-closed-issues
script which fetches all the issues. This script will be called as the first thing in the CI workflow in the getClosedIssues
job. After successful test, build and deploy jobs, we are going to run create-changelog
script which generates and deploys HTML file with the change-log. send-changelog-notification
will send a slack notification about successful deploy. The first script will run in the generateAndDeployChangelog
job and the second one in the sendChangelogNotification
Get closed issues
job fetches the latest issues from GitHub, saves it to the closed-issues.json
and persists it to the CircleCI workspace.
# .circle/config.yml getClosedIssues: <<: *defaults steps: - checkout - run: npm install - run: mkdir tmp - run: npm run get-closed-issues -- --output="closed-issues.json" - persist_to_workspace: root: ./ paths: - closed-issues.json
job runs as the first thing together with the test and build jobs in our CI workflow:
# .circle/config.ymlworkflows: build-deploy: jobs: - getClosedIssues: filters: branches: only: - /release\/.*/ - build: filters: branches: only: - develop - /release\/.*/ - beta - staging - master
Now, let’s take a look at the get-closed-issues
// get-closed-issues.jsconst fs = require('fs')const util = require('util')const exec = util.promisify(require('child_process').exec)const args = require('yargs').argvconst fetch = require('node-fetch')const issuesFragment = require('./issuesFragment')const getIssueMeta = require('./getIssueMeta')
const owner = process.env.GITHUB_OWNERconst repo = process.env.GITHUB_REPOconst authToken = process.env.GITHUB_AUTH_TOKENconst branch = process.env.CIRCLE_BRANCHconst developmentBranch = process.env.DEVELOPMENT_BRANCHconst changelogLabel = process.env.CHANGELOG_LABEL
In the first part of the script we assign all of the environmental variables, that will be needed in the following parts of the script. As you can see, we need to get owner
, repo
and authToken
from our repository. Next up we assign the branch
we are deploying right now, developmentBranch
from which we’ve created current branch and the label (changelogLabel
) which marks the issues to appear in the change-log.
// get-closed-issues.jsconst getClosedIssues = async () => { const { stdout } = await exec(`git rev-list --right-only --count origin/${branch}...origin/${developmentBranch}`) const commitsBehindDevelopmentBranch = Number.parseInt(stdout)
In the beginning of getClosedIssues
function, we checked if the current branch is behind the development branch and if not, we continue generating change-log. If the current branch is behind the development branch it means that there are new commits (closed issues) in development branch which we are not able to recognise from the issues closed in the current branch. If we want to be 100% confident about closed issues in the current branch, the development and current branch have to be in sync. I was not able to find any way around this, but it should be fine because you usually create change-log for test stage directly from the development branch.
// get-closed-issues.js let newIssues = [] if (commitsBehindDevelopmentBranch === 0) { const issueQueryResponse = await fetch('https://api.github.com/graphql', { method: 'POST', headers: { Authorization: `bearer ${authToken}` }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: `query issues { repository(owner: "${owner}", name: "${repo}") { issues(first: 100, states: CLOSED, orderBy: {field: UPDATED_AT, direction: DESC}) { nodes { number title body bodyHTML createdAt closedAt comments(last: 5) { nodes { body } } assignees(first: 10) { nodes { name } } labels(first: 15) { nodes { name } } url } } } }` }) }).then(res => res.json())
Next thing to do is to fetch the latest issues.
// get-closed-issues.js const issues = issueQueryResponse.data.repository.issues.nodes newIssues = issues.filter(({ comments, labels }) => { const isInvalid = labels.nodes.some(({ name }) => name.includes('Rejected') || name.includes('Duplicate') || !name.includes(changelogLabel)) const issueMeta = getIssueMeta(comments.nodes) return !isInvalid && !issueMeta }) }
After that, we filter out the issues that contain Rejected
or Duplicate
label or do not contain changelogLabel
// get-closed-issues.js fs.writeFileSync(args.output, JSON.stringify({ issues: newIssues }))}
Lastly, we save the file to the disk at the location provided in the script argument.
Generate and deploy change-log
will run as the last thing after successful test, build and deploy jobs.
# .circle/config.yml generateAndDeployChangelog: <<: *defaults steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: . - run: npm install - run: mkdir changelog - run: npm run create-changelog -- --input="./closed-issues.json" --output="./changelog/index.html" - run: sudo npm install -g surge - run: surge --project ./changelog --domain http://changelog.yourdomain.surge.sh
# .circle/config.yml - generateAndDeployChangelog: requires: - deploy
In this job, we are going to attach a workspace where we’ve persisted closed-issues.json
and generate the HTML change-log file from it. In the next steps of the job, we install and use surge.sh for deployment. Surge.sh is service for hosting static files and I’ve chosen this service because it’s simple and works great, but you can choose whatever hosting provider you like.
But the most interesting thing in this job is create-changelog
script, so let’s explore that, piece by piece. We first create fetchIssuesGroupedByVersion
function which will be used in the main function of this script. It fetches the last 100 closed issues, then filters only those, which have already been deployed and groups them by the release version.
// create-changelog.jsconst fetchIssuesGroupedByVersion = async () => { const issueQueryResponse = await fetch('https://api.github.com/graphql', { method: 'POST', headers: { Authorization: `bearer ${authToken}` }, body: JSON.stringify({ query: `query issues { repository(owner: "${owner}", name: "${repo}") { issues(first: 100, states: CLOSED, orderBy: {field: UPDATED_AT, direction: DESC}) { nodes { number title body bodyHTML createdAt closedAt comments(last: 5) { nodes { body } } assignees(first: 10) { nodes { name } } labels(first: 15) { nodes { name } } url } } } }` }) }).then(res => res.json())
In this part of the function, we are fetching the last 100 closed issues. In our case it’s enough to have the last 100 closed issues in the change-log but the number is up to you.
// create-changelog.js const releases = new Map() issueQueryResponse.data.repository.issues.nodes.forEach((issue) => { const isInvalid = issue.labels.nodes.some(({ name }) => name.includes('Rejected') || name.includes('Duplicate') || !name.includes(changelogLabel)) const issueMeta = getIssueMeta(issue.comments.nodes) if (!isInvalid && issueMeta) { releases.set(issueMeta, [...(releases.get(issueMeta) || []), issue]) } }, {}) const arrayOfVersions = [] releases.forEach((issues, issueMeta) => { const { version, deployedAt } = JSON.parse(issueMeta) arrayOfVersions.push({ version, deployedAt, issues }) }) return orderBy(arrayOfVersions, 'version', 'desc')}
In the next part, we are filtering out the invalid issues (same as last time) and the issues which do not have any meta information. Function getIssueMeta
checks the body of the issue and the meta information. This part is a little bit tricky, because there is no official way to store metadata in GitHub issues. After some research, I’ve found that you can store metadata in the issue comments. You just need to wrap it in an HTML comment, so that it’s not visible in the GitHub UI. I use this trick to mark the issue as deployed by adding a comment like this:
Issue has been deployed in **${branch}**.<!--${JSON.stringify({ version: branch, deployedAt })}-->
Then we can use the function getIssueMeta
to check whether the issue has been already deployed or not and get the metadata, including the version containing the deployed issues and the date of deployment.
As you can see, we regenerate the whole change-log on every deploy. This way, you can change/fix your change-log before every release.
Let's move to the the main function of the script in the create-changelog
// create-changelog.jsconst createChangelog = async () => { const closedIssuesFileContent = fs.readFileSync(args.input) const closedIssues = closedIssuesFileContent && JSON.parse(closedIssuesFileContent) let newIssues = [] const oldIssuesGroupedByLabel = await fetchIssuesGroupedByVersion() if (closedIssues && closedIssues.issues && closedIssues.issues.length !== 0) { const deployedAt = new Date().toISOString() newIssues = [{ version: branch, deployedAt, issues: closedIssues.issues }] await Promise.all(closedIssues.issues.map(({ number }) => fetch(`https://api.github.com/repos/${owner}/${repo}/issues/${number}/comments`, { method: 'POST', headers: { Accept: 'application/vnd.github.v3+json', Authorization: `bearer ${authToken}` }, body: JSON.stringify({ body: `Issue has been deployed in **${branch}**.<!--${JSON.stringify({ version: branch, deployedAt })}-->` }) }) )) } const HTML = ChangelogTemplate({ versions: [ ...newIssues, ...oldIssuesGroupedByLabel.map(({ version, deployedAt, issues }) => ({ version, deployedAt, issues })) ] }) fs.writeFileSync(args.output, HTML)}
In createChangelog
, we are going to read the closed issues up to the latest release and then call fetchIssuesGroupedByVersion
to fetch the issues from already deployed releases. Now we have all the data we need to generate the change-log, but before we do that, we call the mutation which marks all the issues after the latest release as closed and adds the metadata with the version and date of the release. Finally, we call ChangelogTemplate
which creates an HTML file with the change-log. writeFileSync
writes the HTML to a file, at the path provided in the script argument.
Send change-log notification to the Slack
The last thing that we want to do after we’ve generated and deployed the change-log, is to send a slack notification with the information about the deployment.
# .circle/config.yml sendChangelogNotification: <<: *defaults steps: - checkout - attach_workspace: at: . - run: npm install - run: npm run send-changelog-notification -- --input="./closed-issues.json"
# .circle/config.yml - sendChangelogNotification: requires: - generateAndDeployChangelog
// send-changelog-notification.jsconst fs = require('fs')const fetch = require('node-fetch')const args = require('yargs').argv
const branch = process.env.CIRCLE_BRANCHconst slackUrl = process.env.SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL
const sendChangelogNotification = async () => { const closedIssuesFileContent = fs.readFileSync(args.input) const closedIssues = closedIssuesFileContent && JSON.parse(closedIssuesFileContent) if (closedIssues && closedIssues.issues && closedIssues.issues.length !== 0) { await fetch(slackUrl, { method: 'POST', body: JSON.stringify({ username: `${branch}`, text: `_New version deployed_ \n${closedIssues.issues.reduce((acc, { title, url, number }) => `${acc}- ${title} <${url}|#${number}> \n`, '')}`, mrkdwn: true }) }) }}
In this section, we’ve created and delivered a markdown message to Slack. The message contains the stage name, version of the release and the list of closed issues.
We’ve walked through the process of creating and publishing a change-log. You can check the whole implementation in the example repository. As always, there is a lot of space to improve, e.g. it would be nice to transform the scripts into a library, or create a GitHub App / use GitHub Actions, so stay tuned for the next posts.
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